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Introducing: good job.

A new concept from Leapers - paying freelancers to do a good job.

When you’re self-employed, there’s no-one looking out for your wellbeing, development, training or support. We want to change that.

Leapers has existed for almost four years, supporting the mental health of the self-employed, and good job is the latest way in which we aim to directly support individuals.

It's a job board with a twist.

People looking to hire a freelancer post an ad.

The freelancer who gets hired gets a support bursary directly from Leapers to invest in their own wellbeing, training and development.

Even if they didn’t find the work via good job, we’ll still pay out the support bursary.

The more people who advertise and find jobs here, the more people we can support.

We'll be launching formally when we have 1000 freelancers ready to work well.

But in the meantime, you can still post a job at a reduced rate as an employer. 

Or sign up to find good jobs as a freelancer.

Take a look. goodjob.leapers.co