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Tackling lockdown lethargy by doing the things we love doing

Remember to balance things you have to do with things you want to do - and schedule is those enjoyable activities, as part of your plan for tackling lethargy.

As part of our ongoing series of articles on tackling lethargy, we’re looking at five ways to help restore more energy during coronavirus.

+ Sleep Health

+ Exercise and Diet

+ Routines and Motivation

+ Things we enjoy

+ Emotional Connection


One of the biggest frustrations of lethargy can be the removal of energy and motivation for even the things we used to enjoy. 

I remember when I first tried CBT to tackle a bout of depression, the teacher asked us to suggest a list of things we enjoy doing, and make sure we did one thing each week - yet, here I was, sat staring at a blank piece of paper, not even able to remember things which I enjoyed doing - and so the vicious cycle continued. I literally had to relearn what I enjoyed doing, and have literally a list of things which boost my mood that sometimes I turn to, to remind myself of little techniques and things to do, which I know work.

Hopefully - lockdown lethargy is is temporary for most of us, and the list of things which you enjoy doing isn’t so blank, and you know the things you look forward to, and making sure you’re planning things in your day which you are able to look forward to.

Schedule in the things you enjoy doing

The most simple technique is to literally schedule in something you enjoy - this could be a daily, weekly or monthly task, but putting it in your diary, and creating a positive habit around something you love doing, reminds you to create space and time for things you want to do. Protect that time, so if a meeting request goes in, or someone asks you to do something - treat the time as an investment in your own wellbeing, and just as important as a client meeting.

Discover new things to enjoy

Many of the things we’re used to enjoying have been taken away from us whilst we’re still under restricted movement - perhaps you used to look forward to a drink with friends after work, or spending time in the gym. So whilst we’re less able to do the old things we loved - it’s a great opportunity to try things you don’t know you enjoy yet. A huge number of “100 things you could do…” type articles have cropped up online, but we love this one from FutureLearn.

Review what you’re enjoying at work

If you’re working, it might be a struggle to be focusing and enjoying work at the moment - but it might not entirely be coronavirus which is frustrating you. Often, we can find ourselves doing work to pay the bills, rather than the work we really enjoy. Whilst we all have to put up with some projects which just aren’t the exact thing we had planned on doing for our career - if there’s an imbalance in the work you enjoy and work you just can’t bear doing, it won’t be helping. It can be a good time to review the type of work you’re up to, and see if you can rate each project on how much you’re enjoying it. Is it challenging? Is there good communication? Are you being paid fairly? Are you feeling confident? Is it a passionate subject for you? There might be a range of reasons behind why you might or might not be enjoying the project - but take a moment to reflect on what you’re taking from work, not just forcing yourself to get through it.